9th ISABS conference

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Ninth ISABS Conference on Forensic and Anthropologic Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM


The Honorary Conference President:
Henry C. Lee
(University of New Haven, Connecticut, USA)

Program Directors:
Manfred Kayser (Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam, The Netherlands) - Forensic and Anthropologic Genetics
Tamás Ördög
(Mayo Clinic, USA) - Individualized Medicine

Invited speakers of 9th ISABS Conference:

Inaugural Plenary Session
Henry Erlich (Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute, Oakland, CA, USA): Thirty years of forensic DNA analysis,
Michi Hofreiter (University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany): Recent revolution of ancient DNA analysis
Anthony Atala (The Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, USA): Growing human organs
Gordan Lauc (Genos, Zagreb, Croatia): Patient stratification beyond individual genes: Glycans as integrators of genes and environment

Nobel Lecture
Robert Huber (Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1988; Max-Planck-Institute, Martinsried, Germany)

Keynote evening lecture
Walther Parson (Institute of Legal Medicine, Innsbruck Medical University, Insbruck, Austria): Celebrity genetics: DNA identification of famed persons,
Turi King (University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom): Identification of King Richard III of England [1452–1485]
Genomics of Individualized Medicine
Tamás Ördög
(Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA): Epigenomics in individualized medicine: Translating transcriptional regulation,
Jorge Rakela
(Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ, USA): Molecular signatures in management of hepatocellular carcinoma,
Carl Yeoman
(Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, USA): Vaginal microbiome in health and disease,
Nilufer Ertekin-Taner
(Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, USA): Genetics of Alzheimer's disease: Closing the gap with omics,
Keith Robertson
(Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA): Defining and targeting epigenetic defects in hepatocellular cancer,
John Kisiel
(Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA): Aberrantly methylated DNA for early cancer detection: A journey beyond the colon by Next-Generation Sequencing,
Zdenko Herceg
(Int. Agency for research on Cancer, France): Epigenome deregulation in cancer: drivers and passengers on the road to malignancy,
Tim Spector
(King's College London, UK): Twins omics and personalized medicine,
Aline Probst
(Clermont-Ferrant, France): Heterochromatin organization during development,
Vlatka Zoldoš
(Faculty of Science, Zagreb, Croatia): Genetics and epigenetics of protein glycosylation

Anthropology Genetics Program:

Ancient human genome history
Matthias Meyer (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany): Sequencing of archaic genomes,
Kay Pruefer (Max Planck Institute, Department for Evolutionary Genetics, Leipzig, Germany): Genetic admixture between archaic and modern humans,
Janet Kelso (Max Planck Institute, Department for Evolutionary Genetics, Leipzig, Germany): Functional implications
of admixture between modern and archaic humans,
Mattias Jakobsson (Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden): Paleolithic vs Neolithic genomes in Europe,
Christina Warinner (Laboratories of Molecular Anthropology and Microbiome Research, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA): Ancient DNA perspective on human disease,
Mehdi Moini (Smithsonian Institution, Museum Conservation Institute, Suitland, MD, USA): Setting time lines for aging proteins

Modern human genome history
Chris Tyler-Smith (Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, UK): Evolutionary aspects of the 1000 Genomes Project,
Mark Jobling (University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom): Evolutionary insights from large-scale Y-chromosome sequencing,
Toomas Kivisild (University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom): Evolutionary insights from whole mitochondrial genomes,
Yali Xue (Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, UK): Human genomic signatures of selection and adaptation,
John Novembre (The University of Chicago, Chicago, USA): Human population substructure and evolutionary implications,

Human genetic history of the continents
Carina Schlebsuch (Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden): Genetic history of Africa,
Evelyne Heyer (National Museum of Natural History in Anthropology Genetics, Paris, France): Genetic history of Asia,
Theodor Schurr (University of Pennsylvania, School of Arts and Sciences, Philadelphia, USA): Genetic history of America,
Mark Stoneking (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany): Genetic history of Oceania,
Guido Barbujani (University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy): Genetic history of Europe,
Dragan Primorac (The Pennsilvania State University and University of New Haven, USA; University of Split and Univeristy of Osijek, Croatia): Genetic history of Croatia,

Forensic Genetics Program:

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) in forensics
Bruce Budowle (University of North Texas, Health Science Center, Fort Worth, TX, USA):
NGS in forensic identification,
Jeremy Austin (The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia): NGS in missing person identification,
Mitch Holland (The Pennsylvania State University, State College, USA): NGS in forensic mtDNA analysis,
Sree Kanthaswamy (University of California Davis, College of Biological Sciences, Davis, CA, USA): NGS in animal forensics,
Antti Sajantila (Department of Forensic Medicine, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland): NGS in forensic medicine

DNA Investigative Intelligence
Manfred Kayser (Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam, The Netherlands): Forensic appearance prediction,
Chris Phillips (University of Santiago de Compostela, Institute of Legal Medicine, Santiago de Compostela, Spain): Forensic ancestry inference,
Marie Allen (University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden): Forensic molecular human age estimation,
Jack Ballantyne (University of Central Florida, Orlando,FL, USA ): Forensic molecular cell type identification,
Richard Zehner (Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Institute for Forensic Medicine, Frankfurt, Germany):
Time since death determination with molecular entomology

Advancements In Forensic DNA Routine
Fred Bieber (Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA):Familial DNA search in forensics,
Lutz Roewer (Charité University Hospital, Institute of Legal Medicien, Berlin, Germany): Improved forensic Y-chromosome analysis,
Roland Van Oorschot (Victoria Police Forensic Services Department, Macleod, Victoria, Australia): Trace DNA analysis,
Timothy Palmbach (University of New Haven, Connecticut, USA): The power of DNA analysis in the war on human trafficking,
Tom Parsons (International Commission on Missing Persons, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina): Missing person
DNA identification,
Damir Marjanović (International Burch University, Sarajevo; Institute for anthropological research, Zagreb; Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo) Identification of Skeletal Remains of the Victims from the World War II Mass Graves,
Daniel Vanek (Forensic DNA Service, Prague, Czech Republic): An Improved Forensic Bone DNA Analysis