This special Issue of Genes entitled: "Stem Cells Application in Clinical Practice: Advances and Challenges” belongs to the section "Human Genomics and Genetic Diseases". The use of stem cells (SCs) and, in general, of synthetic biology approaches to treat disease has significant promise. Genes is a journal with a high visibility, covered by Web of Science and citations are available in PubMed. Current Impact Factor of Genes is 3.191
Guest Editors, Prof. Anthony Atala and Prof. Dragan Primorac welcomes original high-quality research papers and reviews on stem cells applications. Authors can now submit their manuscript through the Special Issue website, by clicking in the "Submit to Special Issue" button on the top right side of the this PAGE.
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 25 October 2019.
ISABS and Genes are closely collaborating during biennially organised ISABS Conferences on Forensic and Anthropologic Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualised Medicine (